Monday, October 15, 2007

Everything is a Perch!

When you're a clever cat like me, everything is a perch. Tables, baskets, tennis bags, stereos- there are no limits to where I lay my weary, spoiled head.

It's just a bit harder now that Mummy has reorganised the house and put everything in its place. I liked it better before when it was all a big mess and my brothers Sirius and Dalziel and I could just sleep anywhere.



OOh lala! Creemore I think I have a part for you and your brothers in one of my films..mind you it will be top shelf stuff deary but I think givin your background you won't mind that..
love always Alfie-star of stage screen blog and er YouTube..xx..

Antoinette said...

Hello all.

Creemore has been the most funny cat all these years but, this was one of the funniest things she has done.


Vallypee said...

Ah Creemore, and to think I missed all these! Sindy will need to come visit you more often too. She needs to learn more of the ways of you sweet and adorable felines!